Training Example

I created and facilitated a 2.5-hour training for Valle Del Sol, a local Phoenix organization that provides health services to the Latino community and supports Latino leaders. Organizational leadership requested the development and facilitation of training to address anti-Blackness in the Latino community.


Training Participants

Fifteen participants attended the training and were surveyed afterward using a Likert scale of 1-3 (1= did not meet expectations, 2=met expectations, 3=exceeded expectations).

The participants were asked the following questions:

  • Facilitator: Did the presenter seem knowledgeable about the subject?

  • Content: Was the information presented useful?

  • Organization: Was the training well organized and the content presented in a clear manner?

  • Recommendation (yes or no question): Would you recommend this training to others?

Graph of participant responses.


Town of Paradise Valley MLK Jr. Day Panelist - 2023

I was asked by Arizona State University’s Project Humanities Director, Dr. Neal Lester, to serve as part of a panel discussion for the town’s annual MLK Jr. Day celebration. The panel addressed the topic, The Urgency of Now.